- tags: Tools
Online Tools
Links to this note
tags: Online Tools,Microstartup source: https://twitter.com/vikingmute/status/1597417185470992384 HTTPS: Let’s Encrypt(acme.sh) 企业邮箱: ym.163.coom(3G 容量) zoho.com.cn/mail/ landing page 搭建 https://tailblocks.cc/ https://landing.ant.design/ 图标素材 fontawesome.com iconfinder.com 音乐素材 https://uppbeat.io 插画 https://undraw.co/illustrations https://www.manypixels.co/gallery storyset.com CDN cloudflare.com jsdelivr.com 静态托管 pages.cloudflare.com(无限请求和无线带宽) vercel.com(1G 带宽限制) 免费域名 freenom.com 免费 PS photopea.com 非关系数据库 AWS DynamoDB 25GB 存储 + 1G 传输,https://aws.amazon.com/cn/dynamodb/ Azure CosmosDB 25GB 存储,兼容 MongoDB 以及 PostgresQL 关系型数据库 https://planetscale.com 5GB 存储,每月 10亿行读,1000万行写。 监控工具 https://uptimerobot.com/ 对象存储 网易云 nos https://163yun.com/nos/free 50GB 存储,20GB下行流量/月 又拍云联盟 https://upyun.com/league 10GB 存储,25GB流量/月 https://cloudinary....
Podcasts RSS Feed Validator
tags: Online Tools website: https://www.castfeedvalidator.com/
Brevity 500: 500 mini-games to help you learn powerful writing skills
tags: How to Write,Online Tools source: https://brevity500.com/
Material Design: Tools for picking colors
tags: Online Tools,Material Design,Design source: https://material.io/design/color/the-color-system.html#tools-for-picking-colors full: https://material.io/resources/color/#!/?view.left=0&view.right=0&primary.color=b3e4ff
Online: Title Case
tags: Online Tools,Title Case source: https://titlecase.com/
Skiff x Ethereum Naming Service
tags: Ethereum,MetaMask,Online Tools source: https://www.skiff.org/updates/skiff-ens
tags: Web3,Online Tools,Real Problems That Web3 Solves, Part 1 source: https://metamask.io/ MetaMask has implemented private key login via a Chrome extension and now has 21 million users. In theory, something like this could have existed a long time ago. In practice, the existence of blockchains and the need for better UX for cryptocurrency incentivized much more investmenets in these tools.
Blockchain Demo
tags: Video: Blockchain 101 - A Visual Demo,区块链, Online Tools source: https://andersbrownworth.com/blockchain/hash
Raft Understandable Distributed Consensus
tags: Raft,分布式,分布式共识,Online Tools source: http://thesecretlivesofdata.com/raft/
Distributed consensus (blockchain) simulation and visualization
tags: 分布式共识,Online Tools,区块链 source: https://web3scout.github.io/forcecons-sim/
tags: Taking Notes,Online Tools