IRT is about fitness or simplicity for test. There are two versions of IRT:

  • IRT - three parameters.
  • Rasch modeling - one parameter only.

Three parameters:

  1. A - discrimination, how effectively this item can discriminate students’s proficient between highly and less.
  2. B - difficulty, or the threshold, tells us how easy or how difficult an item is.
  3. G or C - guessing, indicates the item correct by guess.

One parameter: keep the A parameter constant and ignoring the G parameter.

New words

tentatively fc

position ease box interval due
front 2.5 0 0 2022-01-06T08:56:49Z


Adverb ˈtɛntətɪvli

  • subject to further confirmation; not definitely


  • the project is tentatively scheduled for next year
  • unions tentatively agreed to a three-year contract

proficiency fc

position ease box interval due
front 2.5 0 0 2022-01-06T09:06:43Z


Noun prəˈfɪʃnsi

  • a high degree of skill; expertise

    Synonyms: skill/skilfulness/expertise/experience/ability/capability/capacity/competence/competency/adeptness/adroitness/excellence/mastery/prowess/professionalism/aptitude/deftness/dexterity/finesse/facility/effectiveness/accomplishment/aptness/expertness/talent


    • he demonstrated his proficiency in Chinese

characteristic fc

position ease box interval due
front 2.5 0 0 2022-01-06T09:07:38Z


Adjective ˌkarɪktəˈrɪstɪk

  • typical of a particular person, place, or thing

    Synonyms: typical/usual/normal/predictable/habitual/in character


    • he began with a characteristic attack on extremism

Noun ˌkarɪktəˈrɪstɪk

  • a feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing and serving to identify them

    Synonyms: attribute/feature


    • certain defining characteristics of the school emerge from the study
  • the whole number or integral part of a logarithm, which gives the order of magnitude of the original number.

curve fc

position ease box interval due
front 2.5 0 0 2022-01-06T09:08:21Z


Noun kəːv

  • a line or outline which gradually deviates from being straight for some or all of its length

    Synonyms: curve/bend/bow/arch


    • the parapet wall sweeps down in a bold curve

Verb kəːv

  • form or cause to form a curve

    Synonyms: bend/turn/loop/wind/meander/undulate/snake/spiral/twist/coil/curl/bent/arched/bowed/crescent/curving/recurved/wavy/twisted/twisty/sinuous/serpentine/meandering/undulating/curvilinear/curvy


    • her mouth curved in a smile
    • starting with arms outstretched, curve the body sideways

discrimination fc

position ease box interval due
front 2.5 0 0 2022-01-06T09:13:29Z


Noun dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn

  • the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of ethnicity, age, sex, or disability

    Synonyms: prejudice/bias/bigotry/intolerance/narrow-mindedness/unfairness/inequity/favouritism/one-sidedness/partisanship


    • victims of racial discrimination
    • there is widespread discrimination against women
  • recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another

    Synonyms: differentiation/distinction/telling the difference


    • discrimination between right and wrong
    • young children have difficulties in making fine discriminations
  • the selection of a signal having a required characteristic, such as frequency or amplitude, by means of a discriminator.