- tags: Algorithm
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LeetCode101: 680. Valid Palindrome II
tags: String,Two Pointers,LeetCode101 Two pointers move inwards, when we meet two different characters: Remove left character to see if the remains string still satisfied a valid palindrome. Remove right character to see if the remains string still satisfied a valid palindrome. Returns true if either one above two is true. class Solution { public: bool validPalindrome(string s) { for (int i = 0, j = s.size() -1; i < j; i++,j--) { if (s[i] !...
LeetCode101: 1663. Smallest String With A Given Numeric Value
tags: String,LeetCode101,Tricky Initialize a string that fills 'a' in it. Then we turn it to the expected string from end to start. The maximal value of each position in the string is 26. If we start from all elements is 'a' in the string. Then the represent value of the string is n. If it’s not equal to k. Then we need turn the last character of string to r = k - n....
LeetCode101: 316. Remove Duplicate Letters
tags: String,LeetCode101,Stack,Hash Table,Hash Set I have solved this problem years before, LeetCode: 316.Remove Duplicate Letters, but still stuck on it. The key idea is not only about stack, but also required a map to record how many same letters behind current one. Which helps us to decide if drop current letter or not, when the new letter is less than the top of stack, which means smaller in lexicographical order....
LeetCode101: 763. Partition Labels
tags: String,LeetCode101,Hash Set,Hash Table,Stack The key idea is similar to LeetCode101: 316. Remove Duplicate Letters, we use a HashMap to track how many letters which is same in the string. Then we use a HashSet to store appeared letters. When there is no more letters appeared in the HashSet, it’s time to partition. class Solution { public: vector<int> partitionLabels(string s) { unordered_map<char, int> cntOfLetters; unordered_set<char> appearedLetters; vector<int> r; int count = 0; for (auto iter = s....