- tags: Degree
- source: “【01B0801】 计算机及应用(独立本科段).” Accessed May 6, 2022. http://zkxcx.bjeea.cn/portal/kszylb.jsp?zydm=01B0801&tab=2.
Required Courses
Code | Name | Credit | Type | Level1 | Status2 | Free Online Courses |
03708 | 中国近现代史纲要 | 2 | Political | 5 | pending | |
03708 | 马克思主义基本原理概论 | 4 | Political | 5 | pending | |
00015 | 英语(二) | 14 | Basic | 1 | passed | |
00023 | 高等数学(工本) | 10 | Basic | 7 | pending | |
02197 | 概率论与数理统计(二) | 3 | Basic | 7 | pending | |
02324 | 离散数学 | 4 | CS | 7 | pending | 腾讯课堂 |
04737 | C++程序设计 | 3 | CS | 1 | pending | |
04738 | C++程序设计(实践) | 2 | CS | - | pending | |
02326 | 操作系统 | 4 | CS | 2 | pending | |
02327 | 操作系统(实践) | 1 | CS | - | pending | |
02331 | 数据结构 | 3 | CS | 2 | pending | |
04734 | 数据结构(实践) | 2 | CS | - | pending | |
02325 | 计算机系统结构 | 4 | CS | 3 | pending | |
04735 | 数据库系统原理 | 4 | CS | 1 | pending | |
04736 | 数据库系统原理(实践) | 2 | CS | - | pending | |
02333 | 软件工程 | 3 | CS | 3 | pending | |
02334 | 软件工程(实践) | 1 | CS | - | pending | |
04741 | 计算机网络原理 | 4 | CS | 2 | pending | |
04747 | Java语言程序设计(一) | 3 | CS | 1 | pending | |
04748 | Java语言程序设计(一)(实践) | 1 | CS | 1 | pending | |
10027 | 计算机及应用专业毕业设计 | 0 | CS | 1 | wait |
- There are 5 courses were marked as hard: 2 political courses and 3 further mathematic courses.
- We make levels more distinct by using the fibonacci numbers:
- 1: don’t need care.
- 2: shall take a look.
- 3: shall study.
- 5: shall study hard.
- 7: shall study really hard.
We can buy those materials in the e-shop, named JD or Taobao in China. Just search the code of the speciality in those platforms, here is what I input: 01B0801.
Money Tracking
Item | Cost | Time |