- tags: P2P,libp2p,Starcoin Web3 StarTrek
Distributed Hash Table
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Ethereum Discovery Nodes
tags: Ethereum Networking, Ethereum Simulator Node Boot nodes Using a small set that hardcoded bootnodes to bootstrap. Protocol Kademlia a modified form of Distributed Hash Table. Steps to join the network start client –> connect to bootnode –> bond to bootnode –> find neighbours –> bond to neighbours
tags: P2P,Starcoin Web3 StarTrek,Network source: https://docs.libp2p.io/ A set of protocols for peer identity, discover, routing, transport and more. Peer-to-peer network Peers or nodes communicate with oen another directly, it’s different from the client-server architecture. libp2p Solved Transport abstract data transmission and receipt to adapte many protocols, include the future protocols. Identity use public key cryptography as the basis of peer identity, with this: It gives each peer a globally unique “name”, in the form of a PeerId....