Finding Something to Read


  1. Colleagues
  2. Papers We Love
  3. the morning paper
  4. With some topics/categories, to search on
    • ACM Classification System(Require membership)
  5. Librarian

Reading & Comprehending

3 Passes:

  1. Go though: title/sections/concclusions/references. (10min)
  2. Read more closely (1-2 hours)
    • Mark unread
    • References
    • Step though closely
  3. Summarize in 1-2 sentences; outline major contributes; note strengths/weaknesses (couple hours)


  • Use familar tools, except the paper used specific tool.
  • Be aware to pseudo code.
  • Prepare to work and results
  • Test early. Test often.
  • Interacting with the authors.