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February 24, 2023 · 1 min · Gray King

EIP 1559

tags: Ethereum Before EIP 1559 The miner receive both fees and block reward. After EIP 1559 The fee divide to 2 parts: Base Fee Priority Fee The miner receive priority fee and block reward, the base fee will be burned.

February 21, 2023 · 1 min · Gray King

Papers We Love

source: https://github.com/papers-we-love/papers-we-love tags: Papers

February 20, 2023 · 1 min · Gray King

The Refreshingly Rewarding Realm of Research Papers

source: The Refreshingly Rewarding Realm of Research Papers, 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eRx5Wo3xYA. tags: Papers Finding Something to Read Sources: Colleagues Papers We Love the morning paper With some topics/categories, to search on ACM Classification System(Require membership) Librarian Reading & Comprehending 3 Passes: Go though: title/sections/concclusions/references. (10min) Read more closely (1-2 hours) Mark unread References Step though closely Summarize in 1-2 sentences; outline major contributes; note strengths/weaknesses (couple hours) Implementing Use familar tools, except the paper used specific tool. Be aware to pseudo code. Prepare to work and results Test early. Test often. Interacting with the authors.

February 20, 2023 · 1 min · Gray King


February 18, 2023 · 0 min · Gray King