Emacs 插入断页符^L
C-q C-l
或 M-x quoted-insert RET C-l
可以通过 page-break-lines 这个扩展包来显示一个分隔符。
部分 Orgmode 中 awesome-tray 不生效
部分 Orgmode 中 awesome-tray 设置的 0.1 height mode-line 不生效。
C-q C-l
或 M-x quoted-insert RET C-l
可以通过 page-break-lines 这个扩展包来显示一个分隔符。
部分 Orgmode 中 awesome-tray 设置的 0.1 height mode-line 不生效。
tags: Emacs, macOS source: Simon, Ben. “Gotcha: Emacs on Mac OS: Too Many Files Open.” Accessed April 18, 2023. https://www.blogbyben.com/2022/05/gotcha-emacs-on-mac-os-too-many-files.html. Add below code snippet to your init.el: (defun file-notify-rm-all-watches () "Remove all existing file notification watches from Emacs." (interactive) (maphash (lambda (key _value) (file-notify-rm-watch key)) file-notify-descriptors)) Then just execute M-x file-notify-rm-all-watches when you meet this problem next time.
tags: Emacs source: http://bjornwestergard.com/log/2022-04-19-hypertext-emacs.gmi C-x C-f M-n to find-file-at-point.
tags: Emacs,GnuPG Pinentry,GnuPG,GnuPG Agent There is a little bit more background here: I’m using Windows Subsystem Linux(WSL) now, which means I was running Emacs in a virtual machine with Debian Linux distro. And also I ran Emacs in GUI mode with WSL, the pinentry for GnuPG Agent is: /usr/bin/pinentry-gtk2, everything was prefect. This morning I couldn’t commit with Magit in Emacs, when I was running my Emacs in Terminal Text Mode....
tags: Title Case,Emacs source: https://github.com/duckwork/titlecase.el
tags: Zotero,Emacs I got an error when I’m inserting Zotero ref to Emacs by M-x org-zotxt-insert-reference-link RET [error] request--callback: peculiar error: 500 I got the error of zotxt by follow the instruction Debug Output Logging: (5)(+0000003): HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error X-Zotero-Version: X-Zotero-Connector-API-Version: 2 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 csl is nullTypeError: csl is null buildBibliographyResponse/responseData<@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> jar:file:///Users/wanghui/Library/Application%20Support/Zotero/Profiles/34hkbjfm.default/extensions/zotxt@e6h.org.xpi!/bootstrap.js:220:9 buildBibliographyResponse@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> jar:file:///Users/wanghui/Library/Application%20Support/Zotero/Profiles/34hkbjfm.default/extensions/zotxt@e6h.org.xpi!/bootstrap.js:219:24 buildResponse/<@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> jar:file:///Users/wanghui/Library/Application%20Support/Zotero/Profiles/34hkbjfm.default/extensions/zotxt@e6h.org.xpi!/bootstrap.js:156:20 tryCatcher@resource://zotero/loader.jsm -> resource://zotero/bluebird/util.js:16:16 module.exports/Promise.prototype._settlePromiseFromHandler@resource://zotero/loader.jsm -> resource://zotero/bluebird/promise.js:547:13 module....
tags: Org Mode,Taking Notes,Zotero,Research,Emacs source: “Scientific Writing with Zotero and Org Mode | Irreal.” Accessed January 5, 2022. https://irreal.org/blog/?p=5771.
tags: Org Mode,Taking Notes,Zotero,Research,Emacs source: “A Research Workflow with Zotero and Org Mode | Mkbehr.Com.” Accessed January 5, 2022. http://www.mkbehr.com/posts/a-research-workflow-with-zotero-and-org-mode/. Gluing zotero and Org mode together with zotxt(zotxt-emacs). Workflow: Store papers into zotero by its browser plugin, that may also download the PDF. Create a page in Emacs and link to zotero via zotxt-emacs C-c " ". When I want to read the paper. Go to the page in Emacs and type C-c " a....
tags: Emacs,Programming Tools source: https://emacs-lsp.github.io/lsp-mode/
tags: Emacs,LSP 如果无法正常补全三方库,应该是 bloop 服务没有正常启动: 创建 ~/Library/Caches/org.scalameta.metals/bsp.trace.json 开启跟踪 查看项目目录下 metals.log
tags: Emacs M-x life RET 康威生命游戏(Conway’s Game of Life)
tags: Emacs 最近换到 ivy 之后 projectile 切换项目加载 Buffer 或查找文件变得巨慢,查抄一番发现问题可以通过缓存解决: ivy-rich Projectile Caching
tags: Emacs 优化 GC 参考:LSP Mode Performance ;; Optmization ;; Sources: ;; ;; - https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/ofhket/further_boost_start_up_time_with_a_simple_tweak/ ;; - https://emacs-lsp.github.io/lsp-mode/page/performance/ ;; (setq gc-cons-threshold 32000000) ;; 32mb (setq read-process-output-max (* 1024 1024)) ;; 1mb 将启动速度优化到 3 秒左右。 Dumping Emacs Emacs WIKI: Dumping Emacs Painless Transition to Portable Dumper
tags: Emacs,LSP,C/C++,CMake 通过如下命令生成 clangd 识别的编译配置文件 mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1 .. mv compile_commands.json ../ 然后重启 M-x lsp-restart-workspace RET 即可。
tags: Emacs M-x straight-thaw-versions RET 恢复到锁定的版本 M-x straight-pull-all RET 更新所有包 M-x straight-freeze-versions RET 锁定当前版本 Duplicated with straight.el 更新所有已安装的包
tags: Emacs source: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html%5Fnode/emacs/Uniquify.html
tags: Emacs 生成 terminfo $ cat <<EOF > terminfo-24bits.src # Use semicolon separators. xterm-24bits|xterm with 24-bit direct color mode, use=xterm-256color, Tc, setb24=\E[48;2;%p1%{65536}%/%d;%p1%{256}%/%{255}%&%d;%p1%{255}%&%dm, setf24=\E[38;2;%p1%{65536}%/%d;%p1%{256}%/%{255}%&%d;%p1%{255}%&%dm,]] EOF $ tic -x -o ~/.terminfo terminfo-24bits.src 通过 xterm-24bits 启动 Emacs $ env TERM=xterm-24bits emacs Emacs 通过 list-color-display 查看效果。
tags: Emacs 'foo vs #'foo https://emacs.stackexchange.com/a/10943 #’ on symbols will cause the byte-compiler to emit a warning if the function is not defined.
tags: Emacs 如何从历史跳到其他命令列表 Key binds C-o See also: https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/18173/how-to-jump-from-emacs-command-history-to-emacs-commands-in-helm
tags: Emacs 快捷键 C-c C-o 打开当前光标下的链接 C-c C-l 插入链接 C-c C-' 插入代码块 Snippets [[http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/][GNU Emacs]] 转义代码块 https://stackoverflow.com/a/7462884/2873718