- tags: Org Mode
Links to this note
Org-roam export backlinks on Hugo
tags: org-roam, Org Mode source: https://seds.nl/notes/org%5Froam%5Fexport%5Fbacklinks%5Fon%5Fhugo/ https://seds.nl/notes/export%5Forg%5Froam%5Fbacklinks%5Fwith%5Fgohugo/ 利用 hugo 的 partial template layouts/partials/backlinks.html {{ $re := $.File.BaseFileName }} {{ $backlinks := slice }} {{ range .Site.AllPages }} {{ if and (findRE $re .RawContent) (not (eq $re .File.BaseFileName)) }} {{ $backlinks = $backlinks | append . }} {{ end }} {{ end }} <hr> {{ if gt (len $backlinks) 0 }} <div class="bl-section"> <h4>Links to this note</h4> <div class="backlinks"> <ul> {{ range $backlinks }} <li><a href="{{ ....
How To Take Smart Notes With Org-mode
tags: Learning,Taking Notes,org-roam,Org Mode source: https://blog.jethro.dev/posts/how%5Fto%5Ftake%5Fsmart%5Fnotes%5Forg/ Notes aren’t a record of my thinking process. They are my thinking process. – Richard Feynman The primary purpose of note-taking should not be for storing ideas, but for developing them. When we take notes, we should ask: “In what context do I want to see this note again?” Note-taking for writing: Find topic/research question Research/find literature Read and take notes Draw conclusions / outline text Write Two types of notes:...